Monday, November 21, 2005

Independent Film

My life is so boring, it is real. My life is so real, it is boring. It is so boring that I have to repeat words and phrases to make insignificant flatlines feel like poetry in motion. I have a confession. The only explosions that happen in the brown lava like bubbles that happen in my hot chocolate, with my eyes glaring at them as long as possible so that I don't have to start my homework. The only laugh-out-loud moments happen in farts and stares that makes Carrot Top feel like he's a legitimate comedian. The only time death is mentioned are during sermons while I'm in Sunday's best (or the outfit I would use when I go clubbing) as the preacher man says, "Die to yourselves and live." So I decide to fast until I realize that doing homework is enough torture, and then proceed to lust after cheesecakes and Wendys' dollar menu. The only romance are the fantasies of The Notebook reenacted in my head if I am feeling like a bag of estrogen or Eurotrip if I am maxed out on protein shakes. Watching romantic comedies or romances is similar to analyzing a part of Scripture. You see these crazy and outlandish stories, which are possible, but then we try to apply it to our lives. And the applications and the parallelisms are quite ridiculous, which leaves me to think that I am actually more suave than I really think, that I am more in love than I really think, or that I am more heartbroken than I really think when in fact, I am merely living vicariously through my Matthew McConoghdoughboys and Rachel McNuggets. The only thing that happens in my life is the imagination that makes life a little bit more worth living for and these fingers that can describe them.

Man: Do you think that it is God speaking to you or that it is just your imagination?
Joan of Arc: I believe that it is through my imagination that God speaks to me.


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