Sunday, July 02, 2006

Letter of Recommendation Part II

For the first part of the story, please click this link. Nothing as epic this time around.

After I told my professor that some of the information was "inaccurate," he sent back an email really confused -- almost putting the blame on me in his own hoity toity sort of way.

He then sent me a "revised version" and his excuse was the following: "Sorry, I sent you the first draft."

What?! Who in the world write their first draft in a different gender. I've heard of people who write with music on and off, people who write using the computer or by hand, and every shade in between. But who exactly -- writes in the opposite gender first before changing it?

For a professor with over ten years of experience in handling horrible excuses from BSing students, you would think that he would come up with something like -- "I saved the letter of recommendation under your name by mistake."

What did I do? I graciously accepted the letter of recommendation, and wrote a reply that said something along the lines of -- "Haha, it's alright. Mistakes happen. Thank you so much. You are amazing."

Because if I've learned anything from not having straight As on the tests or triple Cs on my chest, it's this: If you want to stand on the shoulders of others, you must start by kneeling behind the asses of others.

Pucker up.


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