Monday, June 26, 2006

Typical Monday

I need a break from my job. I need a break from the news.

My job requires me to read 90% of the NY Times (including the other sections), the Wall Street Journal, conservative blogs, liberal blogs,,, and everythign in between. And this is all in my free time.

During work, a television props itself by my computer with a little bit of lou dobbs, and way too much wolf blitzer. Scattered in between my gmail conversations (please add me to your list:, I make investigative phone calls to Wal-mart, insurance companies, and congressmen.

Exciting and empowering at first, I now thirst for something different. So for the first time in weeks, I've stopped reading the Times and anything else for that matter. People may think that I'm simply boycotting the Times for their investigative stupidity on Friday for leaking national secrets. But I am simply tired.

Most of us are waist deep in this thing called the adult-life with our jobs at law firms, insurance companies, media outlets, and hospitals. So I'm sure I'm not the only one that just wants to throw these "career" plans into the backseat and shove the "dream" speech out the window, or at least trade these things in for a recliner, a 6-pack of beer, and watch Season 2 of Lost.

There is nothing that speaks Office Space more than the college student during summer time.


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