Saturday, June 21, 2008


I am Bill Gates without a computer. I am Paris Hilton without a nightclub. A printer without ink. A pair of chopsticks without food. You get the point.

Unrealized potential: a recurring nightmare for the majority of post-collegiate 20-somethings trying to find the gray area between changing the world and living like a Kardashian.

We studied Nietzche and 13th century European History and Microbiology -- all before lunch. They told us how we were the key to change and we worked our asses off because well -- we believed them.

And now...we're living on measly salaries in the unromantic sense. No lives to save or pride in our work. Simply treading through the "paying your dues" mentality while your health, optimism, and vibrancy pass you by.

Religion or beer, love or sports, The Office or Grand Theft Auto, they're calling out to me.

And who knew -- one year after receiving my diploma -- I'm ready to turn around and answer it.


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