Creativity for Love
In the first 21.5 years of my single life, girl after girl slipped away from my grasp. And in my mind, I would always curse them and say you don't know what you're missing. One day, I will show you what you passed over -- like Tom Brady to the dozens of teams that said no to him over and over and over again.
Choose the jackass over the sweeter boy. Choose the 6-pack over the heart of gold. Choose him over me. Or choose me.
And now -- it's gratifying. Two whole hours just to make sure one date is amazing -- now, that's perfect. All those ideas I stored up for that special someone weren't meant to spent on anyone but the one i have now. They wouldn't have been worth it. They wouldn't have appreciated it. They wouldn't have responded to it.
And to be honest with you, one of my deepest regrets was to give some girls a sneak preview of what I had in store. To give up ideas to those who were never worthy.
But I've learned from my mistake and they can forever remain in the purgatory of "What if?" while I find the great position of "Thank God that never happened."
Dangit, where are chu?
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