Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Back in Action

Death sometimes comes on an idle Tuesday on our way to Sociology 101. And then, there are times when death is often cheated, or at least, death is on an extended sabatacle. And in those moments, there is nothing you can do except count every moment in a blessing. At the end of the day, you don't weep or bawl. You simply smile and say, "Quite a run at it, boy!"

Long story short and devoid of any more overly dramatic allegories, my computer died on me two days ago. As some may know, I have often treated my laptop like a Bangkok prostitute, tossing it around from my chair to the desk, from the top of the bed to the bottom of my roommate. So it was no surprise when a permanent dimple appeared (one of the keys fell out). It was also no shocker when it lost its ability to feel (keypad broke). And finally, I had to put it on life support 24/7 (battery broke and had to hook up to AC adaptor all the time).

But the other day, as I was about to pump out five more posts on my blog(s), everything had went dead. Panic, shock, and denial are more likely than not the first reactions, as I pumped all of my energy into reviving the thing. For the next thirty minutes, I found myself unhooking and hooking every wire in its body to see some sort of life. Darkness.

So I did what every respectable person would do. I prayed to His Father (I called Dell). I wanted to see if there was any hope for revival, but He said that He could only bring him back on a limited basis (batteries were no longer being made), and that it would cost at least 60 dollars. His suggestion to me: Get a new one. Ouch.

I slept on it for a day and when I was about to adopt, my colleague told me about the black market (Ebay). I never trusted the black market, but desperate times calls for desperate measures. Within an hour, I went through the perils and dangers of noisy markets and bidding ( and came out with an AC adaptor and battery to revive my baby for under 100 dollars.

So now I await the penecillin for my laptop's resurrection. Till then, I use my sister's laptop, and it does not feel right. The keypads are not as spacious and sweaty as my own. The screen is full of makeup instead of the scratches mine has. And even though other external qualities are the same and may even be better, the inside is just not the same. The way she runs, the way she sings, even the faces she makes...they are just not the same.

For now, this will have to do. And for those who care, I am two days behind in my blogging. So sorry if I have the physical energy to write as much as I have intended to write.


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