Saturday, June 10, 2006

Okay, Coulter! Put Em' Up

The talk of the town is still Ann Coulter. And it is driving up her book sales, which makes some of us wonder if she is really the venomous author in her books. Or maybe she is a blonde, female version of William Hung, with enough mareting genius to make her the new Simon Cowell.

So here was my dilemma. As noted for a few posts ago, "Ann Coulter is a Bitch," I am not particularly fond of her ideas or the way she decides to convey them. But without reading her actual book, I do not have the authority and legitimacy to say anything about it. Therefore, I needed to purchase the item, but if/when I did so, I would have contributed to supporting her, both in fame and in sales.

I thought I could find an alternative route to this problem by camping out at Barnes and Noble and read the entire book in the store. Afterwards, I would be able to come home, declare my journey into the lion's den, and critique it against conservatives who are too busy protesting for their rights to be exempt from tax than to read their own material.

But I could not do this for two reasons. One is the marketing genius of book stores because the cafe environment forces you tow ant to sit back and enjoy your reading. Nonetheless, there is so much limited seating that you find yourself stuck on the floor, leaning against a stack of home and gardening books old ladies are trying to find. Secondly, there were so many notes that I was taking in response to the claims Coulter makes in her book that I would rather type them out in the comfort of my own home.

Yes, I bought it. But I intend to return it in the 14-day policy. But amidst the guilt of cheating the book store system, I will take the money back and donate it to an organization or missions project or something to use it for some good.

As posted in her weekly column for Universal Press Syndicate and can also be found on her website,, she makes one genearl point, but I plan on attacking two of them before I even read the book. First, she jokes about the fact that her book will probably be found in the dark trenches of your local bookstore:

"The main problem with "Godless" is that I had to walk through the valley of darkness to find it. You will have to push past surly bookstore clerks, proceed past the weird people in the "self-help" section, and finally past the stacks and stacks of Hillary Clinton's memoirs. If all else fails, ask for the "hate speech" section of your local bookstore. Ironically, if you find "Godless" without asking for assistance, it's considered a minor miracle."

Contrary to her jokes, the book was not only displayed outside the glass window, but it was also in the new arrivals section next to all Dan Brown books, sidelining the consumers waiting online to buy coffee. And this is NYC we're talking about, the liberal headquarters itself.

Secondly, she note that the book is not so much about liberals than it is about liberalism. A good point to note, she says that not all liberals practice their religion just like not all Christians practice theirs devoutly. Put by playing around with words, she is still essentially attacking liberals when attacking liberalism in the same way that an attack towards Christianity is an attack towards Christians. "Jesus did not raise from the grave" is equivalent to telling your Christians that your life and the belief system that surrounds it has been a waste.

Coulter has 11 chapters in the book, Godless: The Church of Liberalism, each of which i intend to read, analyze, and provide a commentary on in eleven separate posts on this blog within the span of two weeks.



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