Friday, February 24, 2006

Table of Contents

I'm too good for that. Genesis is at the beginning. Psalms is in the middle. Revelations is at the end. Everything else, just skim the page and present a face like I know what I'm doing, and hopefully, I'll find it. But Table of Contents, what am I? In elementary Sunday school? I'm not sure what comes over me or many Christians in these moments with the little things to climb up the corporate ladder of spirituality. David Nasser brought up another good point, where we listen to prayers and once in a while, when we hear awesome prayers with good words about supplication and cleanse and revolution, we store it into our prayer bank, so that when we are with another group, we withdraw from that pool of Christian phrases in order to prove ourselves holy.

The ultimate fear with the looking up the Table of Contents is that it implies that I haven't read and breathed the Bible enough to know where everything is. Basically, I don't want others to know the inevitable truth, which is that many Christians do not really read the Bible as much as we think. It's like the pictures of ancestors in the home of Buddhists, which is absolutely revered to the point where you cannot throw it to the ground, and our idea of giving them oranges is engraving our names on it. Other than that, a good amount of us struggle with reading that stuff. To tell you the truth, I'm a little surprised that there are still a good amount of Christians who both go to church and read the Bible. I mean, college students read almost 10-15 hours worth of reading a week, and listen to 10 hours of lectures all week. To ask them to voluntarily give up a good percentage of their time to listen to more lectures (in Christian world, we call them sermons), and do even more reading is a little bit daunting even for the most academic person.

But at the end of the day, there's enough bitchin that anyone can do about the fronts that we do or don't do. There's only one thing for me to do. Actually read that darn thing. Where do I start...hmm. Table of Contents.


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