Friday, February 24, 2006


Sometimes, I think Johnny Knoxville and Steve-O got nothing on me. You ever just have a few hours to reflect on something you just did, and sometimes maybe even a few seconds, and ask yourself, "what the hell...was I thinking?" The genius in me hates the dumbass in me, but for some reason, the dumbass often wins out.

10 pm. I come back from a long day of work, classes, and meetings. Everything in life is working out perfect so that I could hang out a little bit, and get to bed by 11:30 so that I could have 8 hours of sleep for my 8:30 class. I begin the time with video games
11:20 pm. 10 minutes before I should go to bed. I begin clearing out the guests in my apartment and without my roomates present, I am completely free to get the rest I need beneath the jack johnson music as I drift off into a land where I continue to get rejected by women in my dreams.
11:30 pm. Let's just make a goal before midnight
12:00 am. I begin chatting to people online and writing on my blog, as my narcissistic self wants people to talk to me, about me, and if no one else is there to do, I'll do it on my blog.
1:33 am. I tell myself how stupid this is and decide to head to bed.
1:34 am. I conclude that I am not tired and cannot sleep.
1:35 am. I come up with this crazy idea that since I cannot miss another 8:30 class that I should just pull an all nighter till my class in the morning. The different frat boys in my head are yelling out "yeah, yeah yeah!!!!" one right after the other. I think these imaginary Gamma jackasses in the head are the basis for all dumb decisions made by men.
1:45 am. After telling the plan to my roomate (the same roomate who is going to take an 8 hour mcat class, then drive to orlando on a sun night to see a concert he already saw the night before, stay up all night partying with his friends, and driving back monday morning to make his 6:30 lab and be ready for a test tuesday morning), he says that it is a bad idea and thinks that I should go to bed. But I have been reading too much about the Republican strategy, agenda, and mode of thinking. So feeling like the cowboy with friends who has departed him on this journey and battle against time, space, and logic (all of which are really just code names for the new sects of terrorism that were formed because of Clinton's foreign policy plans), the dissentions only drive me more towards this great idea.
2:30 am. Family Guy.
3:00 am. I'm doing well. I'm doing well. Mario Kart.
4:00 am. I have roomates to keep me busy. Doing well. Doing well.
5:00 am. There is no turning back now. But my roomates have gone to bed, and suddenly, it has become a little bit more difficult to pull this off.
5:30 am. Struggling to live life. Need to keep eyes open. For the same of humanity. For the same of democracy. For the same of freedom.
5:40 am. In times of trouble, there is only one thing we should call upon. The holiest of holies when we get down on our knees and do the only logical thing that we can do. Watch A NIGHT AT THE ROXBURY. I try to laugh and I want to laugh, but every muscle in my body has focused itself on making sure the eyelids to not close.
6:10 am. You eyes...they're tired. Let's just try this "resting" the eyes thing.
8:23 am. "You ever fucking wake up and before even seeing the clock, you know that you're fucking late. But you wish that it is a dream, so you're like 'maybe i'm not late,' but you know, you know you're late. And here's the worse thing, when you wake up for something at like 9 at like 8:56. That's enough time to do...NOTHING! You're just lying away in your bed saying FUCK" - Dane Cook
8:24 am. No, no, no, no, no, no. Do I piss, brush the teeth, change? I have to change for gym class. I take the quickest piss of my life. "Shuttle, for crying out loud, if you leave without me, I will slit your throat and by throat, I mean tires. With what? Shut up!"
8:36 am. The teacher is taking attendance, no. Open the door, open the door dammit, you little fatty. "Yih Lee" HERE! In those moments, everyone thinks you're a complete idiot for being out of breath, but in that moment, you want everyone to know that you made it. Feeling like I just jumped up to hit an awning or watched five consecutive Rocky movies, especially the fifth one, or actually listened to a girl talk, I let everyone know who the freaking man is.
9:00 am. Doing martial arts moves while stumbling around with eyes closed, but the teacher doesn't know because I'm Asian.
10:00 am. I completely hate myse for the no sleeping thing, as right now, I look and feel like a cross between Keith Richards and Richard Simmons. Still tired.
10:15 am. I'm finishing up on a blog post.
10:20 am. What the hell....was I thinking in writing a blog post when I'm exhausted?
10:30 am. Sleep.


At 4:49 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

5:30 am. Struggling to live life. Need to keep eyes open. For the same of humanity. For the same of democracy. For the same of freedom.
5:40 am. In times of trouble, there is only one thing we should call upon. The holiest of holies when we get down on our knees and do the only logical thing that we can do. Watch A NIGHT AT THE ROXBURY. I try to laugh and I want to laugh, but every muscle in my body has focused itself on making sure the eyelids to not close.

That's the funniest thing I've read all week.


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