Sunday, February 26, 2006

John Cusack Theory

He is by far the most successful normal/bad-looking male star in chick flicks/romantic comedies. And in every chick flick/romantic comedy he is in (and every dramatic movie just in case), John Cusack is rained on, and not in the dribble dribble sort of way, but in the pouring way that makes him look like he just escaped the Flood with Noah without the ark. It is usually at this low point where he realizes something or the girl sees something in him, and the story turns around for him.

JOHN CUSACK THEORY: Get rained on before you ask a girl out or confess your feelings for her.


At 8:44 PM, Blogger Kyle said...

Actually, in Sixteen Candles he wasn't rained on, but I guess he didn't have a leading role...

I hate confessing that I've seen that movie.

At 5:01 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Psst . . . I am 17 years older than you. When I was 20 I couldn't imagine a woman being close to me. When I was 21 it was a reality. Now that I'm thirty-seven, I know that being able to talk like you write will allow women to connect with you in ways that those who appear more successful than you. Trust me when I say that in the end, John Cusack wins every single time. Without fail.


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