Sunday, September 18, 2005


Remember that time when you both bought that girl a grade school graduation gift to show her your feelings, hoping that she's return them somehow, and the whole school thoguht it was scandal that you liked someone?
Remember that time when you cried and they went to call my older sister to tend to me, but she was crying as well?
Remember that time when you crapped your pants because you forgot your speech running for president of the student council?
Remember that time when your parents was crying and you had no idea why?
Remember that time when all five people shared one room, and you weren't ashamed of it?
Remember that time when you received bookholders and McDonalds toys for Christmas and it was the happiest moment of your life?
Remeber that time when you came back from Malaysia and you got fat...and then it was downhill from there?
Remember Career Day?
Remember that time when you lost in something for the first time?
Remember that time when you and your boys thought you were the shit in school?
Remember that time when you were the loneliest, most awkward kid in the school?
Remember that time when the bully hit you in the head with a ball and you just walked away?
Remember that time when she talked to you and you were too busy thinking why she was even looking at you?
Remember that time when the park was your life?
Remember that time when you had the thrill of your life in Vegas?
Remember that time when two towers during Gym changed your life?
Remember that time when you took the mic for the first time?
Remember that time when you were wondering why you were the only Asian kid dumb enough to wake up 6 in the morning on Saturday to wear a suit and perform some random speech to other rich suburban white people?
Remember that time when you had to take science classes?
Remember that time when scrambled porn peeped into your life?
Remmeber that time when you sang for Yankee Stadium, Billy Joel, and Congress?
Remember that time when someone liked you back?
Remember that time when she rejected you anyway?
Remember that time when you finally had confidence?
Remember that time when you went to a school for no apparent reason?
Remember that time when one man's talk changed your life?
Remember that time when you met Peter?
Remember that time when things seemed perfect?
Remember that time when you sang that song?
Remember that time when you drank that coffee?
Remember that time when it hailed?
Remember that time when your family and you loved each other, but couldn't express it?
Remember that time when you made the video?
Remember that time when you were confused?
Remember that time when you thought you understood women?
Remember that time when your small group made a breakthrough?
Remember that time when he left?
Remember that time when you kissed her and it felt so good but it sucked so bad?
Remember that time when you cried because you thought back on that Career Day?
Remember that time when you finally understood?
Remember that time when you finally realized you had more understanding to do?
Remember that time when you were crazy about her?
Remember that time when you though she was crazy about you?
Remember that time when you found out you were wrong?
Remember that time when you thought it would be cool to write about your past?


Now, I can forget the past and remember that I have a future.


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